Powerful Islamic Wazifa for Love Back (Lost Love Back)


Wa Alaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu to our readers. We are so happy to have you here and really appreciate your trust and support. Today, we’re going to chat about a powerful Islamic Wazifa for love back to help bring back lost love.

Have you ever felt really sad because you lost someone you love? If you’re trying to get them back, you might want to try a powerful Islamic wazifa for love. This is a special prayer that asks Allah to help bring your lost love back into your life.

Why Is the “Wazifa For Love” So Useful?

The “Wazifa for Love” is really powerful because it’s a special prayer that asks Allah for help. When you do it with a pure heart and strong faith, it can bring amazing results. It’s all about your sincere intention and belief in Allah’s power to bring your love back.

Important Tips To Remember While Reciting Wazifa For Love back

  1. First, make sure you and the place are clean (do wudu).
  2. Face the direction of the Qibla while doing this wazifa.
  3. Keep Zamzam water and the holy Quran close to you for the best results.
  4. Show complete faith and determination towards Allah for quick acceptance of the wazifa.
  5. Start this wazifa after the Isha prayer for the best results.
  6. Think about your love with good intentions, and make sure your only goal is marriage.

Wazifa for Love Back in 3 Days in Urdu: Step by Step Guide

Note: Start this Wazifa after performing ablution. Do it after the Isha namaz for best results.

  1. Begin by reciting Durood e Ibrahimi 13 times.
  2. Recite Surah Yaseen [36:59] 10 times.
  3. Recite the following Wazifa 111 times-
    • رَبَّنَا وَاجْعَلْنَا مُسْلِمَيْنِ لَكَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِنَا أُمَّةً مُّسْلِمَةً لَّكَ وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا وَتُبْ عَلَيْنَآ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ
    • Rabb bana wa-j’alna Muslim ayni laka wa min Dhur riyatina ‘Ummatan Muslim atan laka wa ‘Arina Mana sikana wa tub ‘alayna ‘inn aka ‘antat-Tawwabu-Raheem
  4. On a white piece of paper, write down the name of your loved one and place it in front of you.
  5. In the remembrance of Allah, recite “subḥaan-allaahi wa biḥamdihi wa subḥaan-allaahil-‛aẓeem“ 101 times.
  6. Take the paper with your loved one’s name and put it under your pillow. Sleep with it for three days.

    Inshallah, your loved one will come back to you.

    You May Like- Powerful Dua For Love

    Recite Wazifa For Get Love Back in 24 Hours

    This Wazifa for love back should be recited after the afternoon prayer of Asar.

    • You’ll begin by finding a quiet area.
    • Now, think of your sweetheart completely without any bitterness.
    • After That, recite the Surah-ar-Rahman verse (55:29).
    • Ten times over, please recite the Durood Sharif.
    • Now, blow on a picture of your sweetheart.
    • Please repeat after me: “Ya Waajidu” 101 times in honour of the name of Allah, the Highest.

    According to the instructions, results from using this wazifa for love back should become apparent within a week.

    How To Perform Wazifa To Get Love Back From Quran

    How To Perform Wazifa To Get Love Back From Quran

    Wazifa To Get Lost Love Back is given below:

    • First of all, read SubhanAllah 36 times.
    • After that read this dua- “ Maagh Na Anhu Maaluhu Waa Maa Kasab”.
    • Read this dua 258 times.
    • After that make a circle of candles.
    • Then light all those candles and sit between those candles.
    • After that read Surah Nisa 25 times.
    • Then read Iman e Mufassal for 25 times.
    • Then read Iman e Mujammal for 5 times.
    • After that take the name of your loved one time.
    • Then blow off all the candles.
    • After that make a very strong prayer to Allah SWT.
    • Everything is in the hands of Allah SWT.
    • Perform this for 2 days.

    Follow this Method to Recite Wazifa For Lost Love Back

    If your lover has left you because they no longer find you interesting, then the wazifa for lost love back will change their perspective, and they will get attracted to you all over again.

    • Firstly we should clean the place where we will perform this wazifa for lost love back.
    • After that, we should take Jaye Namaz or a clean mat on which we can perform this wazifa.
    • Then, read two rikat nafil namaz.
    • After that read Surah Kausar 56 times.
    • Then read this dua for 522 times “Feejeedi Haa Habluum Mimm Masad.
    • After that take a bottle of honey.
    • Then write the name of your lover on a piece of paper.
    • Then stick that paper on that bottle of honey.
    • After that read Durood Shareef for 3 times.
    • Then blow your breath on that bottle of honey.
    • After that donate that bottle to any poor person.
    •  Then take some sugar.
    •  After that read Ayatal Kursi for 56 times.
    • Then eat some sugar and the rest throw it outside your house.
    • Read the Pehla Kalma for 55 times.
    • Perform this wazifa for love back for 5 days.

    Islam has given a solution for such people. And if you practice the wazifa for lost love back in the right way, then Insha Allah, all your problems will get resolved, and your ex-lover will return to you.


    To wrap up, we want to say that you are amazing and deserve the best in life. The person you love will come to you and ask you to marry them because they won’t be able to resist your love.

    So, thank Allah for making you such a wonderful person who can make someone fall in love and be happy forever.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is reciting love back wazifa dangerous for women?

    Reciting wazifa, or any form of supplication in Islam, is not inherently dangerous for women. It is recommended to seek guidance from a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or an imam who can provide appropriate advice based on specific circumstances.

    They can guide women in performing wazifa to get love back safely and correctly, ensuring it aligns with Islamic teachings and does not compromise their well-being or dignity.

    How can I recite wazifa for my love?

    To recite a wazifa, seek Allah’s guidance, sincerity, and devotion. Recite relevant verses from the Quran, like Surah Al-Fatiha and Ayat Al-Kursi, to gain Allah’s blessings for your love.

    Is there any specific wazifa to get success in one-sided love?

    To begin, you must pray the five times a day required of you (known as namaz in Arabic).
    After you finish your namaz, read the first 51 verses of Surah Fatiha.
    Pray the words “Inn Allaah Yusmiuu Manyashaauu” to Allah forty-one times.
    Tahajjud prayer (two rakats) should then be recited.
    Keep doing this for a full 41 days.
    Your prayer will be answered shortly, in the name of Allah.

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