Best Dua To Win Court Case ( Dua For Court Case)


If you are stuck in a court case and wondering how to win it, there is no better dua than the Best Dua For Court Case from Quran.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said that whoever sincerely invokes the name of Allah, their previous sins will be forgiven. Along with this dua, it’s beneficial to also recite the Dua for Husband.

How Dua For Success in Court Case Can Help You?

Dua is one of the most effective ways to get a favorable result in court. By reciting this dua, you increase your chances of a positive outcome. If you want the best possible result in court and wish to get rid of a court case, perform this powerful dua for victory in court case.

This dua for court case is derived from the holy Quran and is very powerful. Recite this dua after the Fajr namaz. You can also recite it when you are worried about the outcome of your court case. Follow the steps below to get the best result in your court case.

Guidelines Before Reading Dua For Court Case

When asking Allah for help, especially for something important like winning a court case, you should follow these steps to make sure your dua is as effective as possible:

  1. Make sure your reason for making the dua is honest and genuine.
  2. Cleanse yourself by performing Wudu before making the dua.
  3. Ask Allah (SWT) to forgive your past sins.
  4. Ensure that your income is from halal (permissible) sources.
  5. Perform your salah (prayers) on time and do good deeds, like giving to charity.
  6. While making the dua, face the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.
  7. Keep a positive mindset and trust in Allah’s plan completely.
  8. Recite this dua when you are alone.
  9. Do not perform this dua just because someone told you to do so.

Powerful Dua For Court Case From Quran

Read Powerful Dua for Court Case

A highly effective dua for court case is:

“Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman naafi’an wa rizqan tayyiban wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan.”

If you recite this dua 224 times daily after any Salah, you are sure to win your court case with Allah SWT’s blessing.

Dua For Winning Court Case (Transliteration):

“O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, good provision, and acceptable deeds.”

This dua is taken from Sunan Ibn Majah (Book 34, Hadith 925).

Dua to Win Court Case
Dua to Win Court Case

Dua to Win Court Case and How to Perform It

Follow these steps to make your dua effective:

  1. Make sure you are clean before starting the dua for victory in court case.
  2. Recite “Durood-e-Pak” 9 Times and send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  3. Say the Following Dua 356 Times Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel.” Translation: “Allah is enough for us, and He is the best Guardian.”
  4. After the dua, recite Durood-e-Pak again.
  5. Send blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  6. Say Astaghfirullah 3 times to ask for Allah’s forgiveness.
  7. Honestly ask Allah to help you win your court case.

If you need help or want quick and effective results without using this method, you can consult Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji via Whatsapp.

Read our Dua For Love to know the power of love in Islam.

Wazifa for Court Case

Here is a powerful Wazifa that can help you win your court case with the help of Allah Tala.

Many of our followers have used this Wazifa and have found relief from their court case troubles. You can be one of them too. Let’s learn how to adopt this Wazifa in your life.

  1. Before Tahajjud Salah, perform wudu.
  2. Read “Bismillah” 99 times.
  3. Recite Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba’da idh hadaytana wahab lana milladunka rahmah 235 times. This dua is taken from Surah Al-Imran (3:8).
  4. Take a glass of water, blow on it, and drink it.
  5. Conclude your dua by praising Allah (SWT) again and sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

You need to follow this Wazifa regularly for 18 days without missing any day.

InshAllah, if you perform this Wazifa with full faith in Allah SWT, you will surely win your court case.

Read Wazifa For Love Back to get your love back in Islam.


To summarize, perform this dua correctly to achieve a win in a court case. Your intentions must be pure, and your belief in Almighty Allah should be genuine.

If performed with wrong intentions or negativity, this dua for winning a court case will be ineffective. For any questions or assistance, reach out to

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