Powerful Dua For Love (Find Your True Love)


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, my dear brothers and sisters. Today, we are going to talk about some simple steps you can take to find your true love or soulmate using Dua For Love. I hope the advice I share will be very helpful for you.

I have studied the Quran deeply to help clear up any confusion because the Quran has answers to all our problems. My goal is to bring light and happiness into your life, removing any darkness. This is also what Allah wants for us.

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How will our dua for love help you find a true soulmate?

Our dua for love can help you find a true soulmate because it’s a special prayer to Allah (SWT) asking for His guidance and blessings. When we pray sincerely and with faith, Allah listens to our wishes and helps us in ways we might not even expect.

Dua for love is like talking to Allah and telling Him what we truly desire in our hearts. It’s important to pray with a pure heart and trust that Allah knows what’s best for us.

By doing this dua for love regularly and sincerely, it can attract good things into our lives, including meeting someone special who will truly understand and love us.

Important Points To Keep In Mind While Reciting Dua For love

Before you start your dua for love and attraction, here are some important steps to follow:

  1. Do the dua yourself and follow the steps carefully.
  2. Don’t do the dua if you’re unsure or have doubts.
  3. Always make sure you are in a state of wudhu (ablution).
  4. Have pure intentions and full faith in Allah SWT.
  5. You can start this dua after any Salah (prayer).
  6. Perform this dua daily, 106 times, until your wish is granted.
  7. Never use black magic or shirk.
  8. Sisters, do not perform this dua during your menstrual days (periods).

Following these steps will help ensure your dua is done properly and with sincerity.

Right Quranic Procedure of Dua For Love in Islam

How do you perform a Dua to get your love back? If you want to do this Dua the right way according to Islam, follow these steps to get blessings from Allah:

  1. Make a fresh ablution (wudu).
  2. Before starting, perform “Durood-e-Pak” 4 times and chant Allah’s beautiful name.
  3. Recite the Dua below 166 times:

Masalul lazeena hum milut tawraata summa lam yahmiloohaa kamasalil himaari yah milu asfaaraa; bi’sa masalul qawmil lazeena kaazzaboo bi aayaatil laah; wallaahu laa yahdil qawmazzaalimeen.

dua for love
  • Repeat the “Durood-e-Pak” again and sincerely ask Allah (SWT) to bless you with love or find your soulmate soon.
  • After that, say Salallahu Alayhi Wassalam (Blessings on the Messenger) 4 times. Ask for forgiveness for your mistakes by saying Astaghfirullah 5 times.

These steps will help your Dua be accepted soon.

Read our Wazifa For Love Back to get you love back soon.

4 Easy Steps To Perform Dua For Love and Attraction

Note: For the best results, perform this “Dua for love back” after Fajr. (Beginning Prayer)

  1. Take a shower and think deeply about your lover.
  2. Then repeat Durood Sharif eleven times.
  3. Then recite Surah Al-Hujurat.
  4. Now recite the following verse (AYAT) seven times.

Wa Tammat Kali Matu Rabbika Sidkan Wa Ad Lal La Mubaddila Li Kalimatihi Wa Huwas Sami’ul Aleem

Finally, ask Allah (SWT) to return your love.

Powerful Dua for Finding True Love ( Dua To Find Love IN Islam)

Powerful Dua for Finding True Love ( Dua To Find Love IN Islam)

If you’re looking for a dua to find a partner, it’s called the “Dua for true love” in Islam. Many people use this dua to ask Allah for someone they deeply love. If you want your crush to fall in love with you, you can recite this powerful and effective dua following these steps:

  1. Start with a fresh ablution (wudu).
  2. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Then, recite the dua: “Yaaa aiyuhan naasut taqoo Rabbakumul lazee khalaqakum min nafsinw waahidatinw wa khalaqa minhaa zawjahaa wa bas sa minhumaa rijaalan kaseeranw wa nisaaa’aa” 86 times.
  4. After completing the dua, recite Durood Sharif again 7 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah sincerely to help you find true love.

Follow these steps in a proper halal manner to receive blessings from Almighty Allah for your dua. This way, you’re asking for guidance and support in finding the right person to love and share your life with.

To get the best proposal for marriage you can read our dua for marriage proposal.

Islamic Dua for Soulmate in Simple Steps

Here’s a simple Islamic dua for finding true love:

Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wa fil aakhirat hasanatan wa qinaa adhaaban-naar

Dua for Soulmate

To do this dua:

  1. Recite this dua 121 times after the Fajr prayer.
  2. Do this every day for 21 days in a row.

This dua for true love is a sincere request to Allah for success and for our wishes to come true when looking for real love. By repeating this dua with devotion, we show a strong connection with Allah, asking for guidance and blessings as we seek to find genuine and lasting love in our lives.

Dua For Finding Soulmate From Quran

It is really painful for a wife to face such a situation. She literally doesn’t deserve this after she has left her parents’ house for you. For this, a wife can take the help of dua for love and attraction.

  1. Firstly the person performing this dua should read Surah Kaif for 25 times.
  2. After that read Islamic dua for attraction- “ Ya Wadoodu”.
  3. Read this dua for love and attraction 25 times.
  4.  After that take a lemon.
  5. Then squeeze that lemon and take out all the liquid from it.
  6. Then read salah for 85 times.
  7. After that lick that lemon and throw that lemon into that dustbin.
  8.  Then read Fourth Kalma for 6 times.
  9. After that drink all the liquid which you have taken out from the lemon.
  10. Then read Dua after Namaz for 5 times.
  11.  After that read Surah Kafiroon for 8 times.
  12. Perform this for 5 days.

Every wife wants love and attraction from her husband. If a wife is not able to get attraction from her husband then she becomes very sad. Wife can tolerate everything in her life but she cannot tolerate this that her husband is not attracted towards her.


In the end, I want to wrap up by saying something important to all my brothers and sisters: this dua can really work if you want to find your true love quickly. Just pray with a sincere heart and trust in Allah. Follow each step and guidance carefully when you do this dua.

Make sure you do it the right way according to Islam. Many people around the world have succeeded in their exams and finding jobs by doing this dua. If they can do it, why not you? That’s why I shared this dua with you today, hoping it brings success to my brothers and sisters.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are These Prayers Effective for Non-Muslim Readers?

Yes, these prayers can be effective for everyone because Allah cares for all people, not just Muslims. Islam provides guidance that can help anyone who believes in it. So, whether you’re Muslim or not, if you follow each step exactly as it’s explained, you can expect good results.

How Can You Ask Allah for a Soulmate?

You can connect with Allah through Dua (prayer), Wazifa (special prayers), and Surah (verses from the Quran). By performing these prayers sincerely, you can communicate your feelings and desires to Allah. If your intentions are pure and your heart is sincere, Allah will surely bless you with what you seek.

Do These Prayers Work for Finding a Soulmate?

Yes, these prayers are powerful because they come from the holy Quran. Many people around the world, including my brothers and sisters, have been helped by these prayers in the past. So, if you follow each step exactly as explained, these prayers can also benefit you.

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